No Experience Required

elena kagan.jpgFor the Matt Drudges, Satanic She-Worms and Jabba the Huts of the world, President Obama’s controversial decision to seat an inexperienced left-leanin’ lawyer to the world’s highest court is not going too well.  Indeed, dear readers, the rip-roarin’ has already commenced with character-bashing slander at the ready: “she has no experience!”… “she’s part of the Chicago machine!”… “She’s ugly! You sure that ain’t Gary Dell’abate!?!”


I am not sure that she is not Gary Dell’abate.

gary dellabate.JPGBut I will try to pretend that I didn’t ever think about that.

She has no experience.  So what?  Does she have what it takes?  Does she have the balls to — wait, never mind.

As is the case with baseball, experience doesn’t always guarantee success.

Mike Leake never pitched a game in the minors and yet he has a record of 3-0 right now, one of those wins coming against the sCrUBS (which nets him extra points ‘cuz I say so).

Don Denkinger never had any experience being completely retarded for one single World Series play yet he managed to get the job done in 1985.

aj hinch.jpgAnd let me remind you of a fella who didn’t have any managerial experience whatsoever: a man, who as a player achieved a lifetime batting average of .219 with 32 homers and 112 RBI.  That man’s name is A.J. Hinch and that man manages the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Arizona Diamonbacks are… um… the D’backs are…

Pay no attention.

We’re all in this US American mess together. 

I hope.

Hate me ‘cuz it’s trendy, just don’t hate me ‘cuz I’m right.




  1. stonebutch99

    Leake came in and did a number on Houston as well which I’m sure didn’t hurt your feelings any. 😉 Thanks for acknowledging my birthday on FB, I wouldn’t have remembered otherwise. I was doing the math on my calculator so I’d know how old I was. You take 2010 and then you subtract 1966. That’s 44. That’s how you do it when you’re over 40.

  2. redstatebluestate

    Austin — Dude, that’s hilarious. I’m not to the subtracting part yet, but I gotta say, 31 isn’t any different from 30… that I can tell.

  3. devilabrit

    Holy crap 31!!! geeeez, I have son that’s whinning about bein 30 in a week or two and one that just enjoyed his 28th… oh to be young again…. young at heart thats the main thing…

    Mike Leake is an exception to the rule, one of those unwritten baseball rules, which noone knows about cause it hasn’t been written yet, it’s like those unwritten political rules… they can do anything till year 4 when they do things for votes….

    Phillies Outside

  4. joneill

    Less like Gary Dell’abate and more like Paul Blart Mall Cop. Save us from the skateboarding terroists Ms. Kagan!

  5. redstatebluestate

    Peter — Ah, thanks for considering my age in the “youthful” camp.
    Jane — Nah, just tryin’ to avoid cliches… that’s all. You’re safe 🙂

  6. rrrt

    Dimwit! I meant to type “dimwit”, not “dimwith” (the opposite of “dimwithout”).
    Sue (again)

  7. redstatebluestate

    Joneill — Good call!
    Sue — He’s the dude from the Howard Stern show… the producer guy 🙂

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